Corey Behmer

Corey Behmer

Director of Finance and Administration

I have been leading finance, operations, human resources, and IT for over 10 years. I’ve had a lot of help along the way from mentors, leaders, and my teams! I began my career in the non-profit industry after several years in the manufacturing industry when I realized that my heart was in non-profits. As a person who has a deep passion for personal and creative freedom, I feel extraordinarily lucky to have been given the opportunity to be a part of MRAC.

I am an Asian American who was adopted as an infant from South Korea. I live just over the border from Minnesota in Prescott, Wisconsin. Having grown up partially in New England, this little river town brings a sense of nostalgia for some of the towns in Vermont. I grew up on the East Coast, moved to the San Franciso Bay Area after college, and then to the Midwest to Indianapolis prior to coming to the Twin Cities area. I have always had a deep appreciation and affinity for humanities and culture. I have been privileged over the years to have been able to observe and participate in art (in all its forms) and tie it directly to present day culture and history in many places around the world. My current passion is scuba diving, and I was most excited to be able to visit the underwater art installation in Mexico.
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