Site icon Metropolitan Regional Arts Council

Public Participation Survey: Learnings

Graphic image with text Metro Regional Arts Council is making bold changes. Help us reimagine!

From October 5 through November, MRAC engaged our community to fill out a Public Participation Survey. Thanks to everyone that participated! The purpose of the survey was to gain insights from the community about what they value in MRAC’s grantmaking process and to reimagine how the public participates in the process. The survey was sent to over 6,000 people through our MailChimp newsletter and reached over 2,000 people on social media. We’d like to share some preliminary data from the survey, as well as next steps we are taking to reinvent our public participation and grantmaking systems at MRAC.


384 Survey Participants

What we heard about what people value about the role of public participation

Participants were able to provide more in-depth comments about what they would like from the public participation process. Here are some learnings that emerged:

Next Steps

The learnings from the survey will inform and inspire new models of public participation that MRAC staff is currently developing. These models will be presented to focus groups to help refine and decide what MRAC’s new public participation model will be in Fiscal Year 2025 and beyond. The focus groups will be composed of community members including artists, arts administrators, grantees, applicants, panelists, and seven county metro residents.

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